Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Digital Native Teachers working with Digital Immigrant Teachers - Amazing!

Excerpt from: Connecting informal and formal learning experiences in the age of participatory media

"Bull et al. suggested that schools of education can help teachers translate informal use of communication technologies outside of school into applied activities inside school by fostering intergenerational collaboration. Gen-Y teacher education students, who have “lived their lives immersed in digital technologies” and may have advanced technology knowledge but emerging pedagogical and content knowledge, can team up with digital immigrant teacher educators who have extensive content and pedagogical knowledge. Thus, the collective wisdom of the group fosters deeper “understanding of the ways in which technology, pedagogy and content knowledge can be combined.”

Greenlow, C. (2008). Connecting informal and formal learning experiences in the age of participatory media: Commentary on Bull et al. (2008). Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(2). 

An Analysis of Integrating Social Media in Curriculum

I created this concept map to explain the components of a paper I have written on "Curriculum theory in a digital age: What will curriculum look like in my professional specialty?". I will post portions of the paper soon!

Source of images