Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Working List of Educational Theorists

Kieran Egan -

Wenger - Community of Practice

Bennis and Nanus - 

Siemens - Connectivism

Hargreaves and Frink - Sustainable leadership

James Ryan - Inclusive leadership

Darling-Hammond - 

Michael Fullan - Motion leadership (change theory)

Christine Sleeter - multicultural education

Wheatley -

Gilligan and Shakeshaft - Feminist theory

Pestalozzi - "heart, hand, head"

Dewey -

Freire -

James Neil -

Seymour Papert - constructionism

Jean Piaget - constructivism

Lev Vygotsky - social constructivism

Elliot Eisner - 5 orientations to curriculum

Hilda Taba -

Franklin Bobbitt - 

Ralph Tyler - 

William Pinar -

Lawrence Stenhouse -

F.W. Taylor -

Horace Mann - 

Phil Schlechty - 21st Century Schools

"Given wisdom, leaders stop trying to control everything and stop taking charge of everyone and see themselves as one part of a complex operation." (Schlechty)

"Teachers are leaders and those they most often lead are students. This is an old idea and one that has appeal to teachers once they accept the fact that it is the performance of their putative followers that is of most importance in school. The performance of leaders can make a difference in the performance of followers, but it is the performance of followers that determines the effectiveness of the performance of leaders. Teachers are more dependent on students than students are dependent on teachers. Teachers cannot teach without students being present, but students can learn without teachers and increasingly they can learn anytime and in any place. Schools are no longer as essential as they once were and they will be increasingly less essential if they are not transformed into learning platforms. Teaching is increasingly available to those who are motivated to learn, and schools are not the only places where teaching and teachers exist."(Schlechty, 2010)
