Tuesday, December 21, 2010

An Analysis of Integrating Social Media in Curriculum - Part 3 Blogs

Application in curriculum

Blogs are a versatile online tool that can be used in any subject area. Educators can have students set up blogs as individuals, partners or groups on a specific topic, unit or entire course. For example, in English courses it can be used as a medium for journal entries or reflective entries on novels, class material or to improve general writing skills. In math it can be used as a reflective journal entry to explain the theories behind mathematical concepts or used as a discussion/solving area for problem solving questions. In science courses, it can be used as a lab journal that records lab reports with safety measures, observations, problem statements, results and conclusions. It can be used in art courses to discuss art history or to post various pieces of art to be analyzed or reflected upon. There are a number of differences between a blog and a hardcopy journal. First, a blog can be edited by a number of authors (if set up with multiple authors). Second, a blog is accessible to everyone or to no one (depending on settings and its purpose). Third, educators can access student blogs in an instant and can comment directly into the blog. This allows for instantaneous communication. Lastly, blogs can be accessible with a computer or smart mobile device.

Student's perspective

As a student, I use a blog to document my knowledge, learning and understanding of educational related material. I started my blog during this Master’s program. I use it to post my perspective on educational curriculum, leadership, theorists and to reflect on my learning in education. It is an effective way to record ideas, thoughts and reflections as well as to share material (e.g. videos and diagrams) with others. It also serves as a reminder that I aim to be a lifelong learner and that my posts reflect ongoing learning and thinking. Also, very recently I have set up a private blog for my Master’s project “Integrating Robotics into Curriculum” which is open to my host teacher and supervisors. It will help us to stay in regular communication about my project, proposal and any epiphanies anyone may have.


There are a few challenges associated with blogging in an educational setting. The first is that it is tricky to assess students on blogs which are written in pairs or groups. Assessment criteria would need to be based on a group effort in those cases. Although, in cases where a blog is used as an instrument for raw thought, ideas and collaboration formal assessment may not be necessary. A related problem to assessment is the transparency of blogs. If blogs are made public within the class, all students have access to each other’s work. This could pose a problem in terms of plagiarism or inappropriate use of idea sharing. To address this issue, it would be wise for teachers to put in place a discussion to create structure and guidelines for appropriate blog use and have students create an agreement chart that can be signed. Lastly, similar to FB and Twitter, blogs pose the challenge of accessibility. Blogs can be only be accessed with a computer or mobile device with internet. These privileges may not be a reality for all students and thus educators must be aware of that if using blogs. 
One way to help understand and account for differences in digital literacy and text forms is differentiating between asynchronous or synchronous media forms (Merchant, 2007). Thus, this can help to determine effective assessment strategies. It also raises valuable questions including: should spelling/grammar be assessed if it’s synchronous? Who gets credit for asynchronous work? Are HOTS being displayed in asynchronous forms of media?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Analysis of Integrating Social Media in Curriculum - Part 2 Twitter

Application in curriculum

                Twitter has a number of applications that can be used to enhance curriculum. Educators can ask students to create Twitter accounts for a particular subject and encourage posting links, thoughts, questions or ideas that pertain to the topic. Educators can create groups and lists that students can follow to get a variety of information or news. Educators can post links to news, websites and information online for students to use in their researching, homework or to gain a better understanding of course material. Twitter can also allow students to “follow” professionals in the associated field within their interests or pertaining to curriculum material. Fellow classmates and educators can reply to each other’s posts and can be used as a collaborative learning tool. Junco, et al. (2010) studied the effect of encouraging the use of Twitter on engagement and grades at the post-secondary level. The study found that the experimental classes that used Twitter had an increase in engagement as well as increase in their grades compared to the control classes where Twitter was not encouraged. Although this study is at the post-secondary level, it demonstrates that engagement and achievement are enhanced when social media is appropriately implemented within an educational setting. This gives hopes that similar findings will be demonstrated in middle/high school settings.

 Student's perspective

My first use of Twitter was actually during this Master’s program. My primary purpose of using Twitter has been to add individuals within my classes, educators in the field, professionals and news outlets. I regularly read articles related to education posted on Twitter which I have on occasion used in my assignments or discussed with classmates. I have also communicated with my professors and classmates using Twitter regarding course related material. It has allowed for collaborative work, shared intelligence and networking. It has the ability to narrow down information and allows the user to be selective. 


“…some educators have been experimenting with using Twitter and other social media technologies to introduce a backchannel to the classroom, a practice that has generated intense criticism from those who see it as a threat to traditional lecture formats and established pedagogy” (Atkinson, 2010, p. 31). In response to this quote, I do see social media in the form of Twitter breaking down traditional forms of teaching and pedagogy which is in fact necessary. Learning and teaching must be geared towards the trends of the generation being taught. We must exercise tools used by the current generation to enhance their learning and understanding in a meaningful manner. However, some challenges associated with integrating Twitter into curriculum are similar to those related to FB. For example, students can add any individual to Twitter (and vice versa) without the control of the educator. This can pose a problem if students begin to reveal personal information to strangers online. Also, there is the problem of equity and accessibility with regards to accessing Twitter outside of the classroom. With certain precautions and preparing students for the tool, I believe that Twitter can be used effectively to integrated social media into curriculum within middle school, high school or post-secondary classes.   

Friday, December 10, 2010

An Analysis of Integrating Social Media in Curriculum - Part 1 Facebook

Application in curriculum
Facebook (FB) is a social networking website that was originally created for university students. Eventually, it become open to high school students and is now open to anyone over the age of 13 (Wikipedia, 2010). Thus, if educators are to integrate FB into curriculum they must be aware of the age restriction. Greenhow, Robella & Hughes (2009) explain that the current generation is part of a participatory culture where youth feel connected via social media and can use these tools as “collaborative problem solving” (p. 249). The research posits that using social media “might promote potentially rich opportunities to make learning more personally meaningful, collaborative and socially relevant” (Greenhow et al., 2009, p. 249).

Teachers can create profiles on various social media sites and spend “15-20 minutes of near daily commenting, instant messaging, posting status updates, evaluating friend requests, reading blog entries, reading news sources, sending out requests for information, engaging in groups, and sharing and tagging videos, photos, and scanned artwork” (Greenhow, Robelia, & Kim, 2008 as cited in Greenhow, 2008, p. 5).

FB contains a variety of applications (apps) that educators can use to promote reading, language skills and research assistance (Accredited Online Schools, 2008). Educators can choose which apps they can encourage their students to use. Also, educators (or students) can set up “groups” which can act as study groups or group project sites. In addition, educators or students can use the “wall” to post announcements regarding homework, due dates, events or special instructions. Students can post their thoughts, ideas or questions on their wall which can allow other classmates or the teacher to respond either asynchronously or synchronously (Merchant, 2007). Educators can encourage students to add classmates as friends in order to connect regarding school related work. Outside of curriculum, students can organize fundraising events or set up volunteer groups.

Student’s perspective
While researching educational theorists (for this course and others) for various assignments, I managed to find some theorists on FB. I found Seymour Papert and Phillip Schletchty on FB with active profiles who have both added me as friends. Although they did not add me until after my assignments were handed in, I find it exciting that I can connect directly with these theorists about their latest work or previous findings. This allows for direct communication which would have been impossible just a few years ago. As a student, I feel globally and generationally connected to leaders in the field of education which makes researching and communication simplistic.

There are a number of challenges and dilemmas associated with integrating FB into education. Based on my analysis, I believe that Integrating FB into curriculum can be safe and beneficial if done at the post-secondary and advanced degree stages; however, may it not be viable with middle or high school students. The first issue being that FB is a transparent online tool that gives people avenues to display personal information. Young students are not aware of the dangers associated with posting personal information online and how it can be used for inappropriate purposes by others. This feature of FB is not controllable by the educator. A related problem is that students can use FB in any way they like regardless of how the educators would want them to use it. Posting pictures and chatting about personal matters on their wall may pose a privacy issue. Another challenge of integrating FB into curriculum is equity and access within the class. Not all students will have access to a computer or the internet from home and hence may not be able to access the learning resources or student groups unlike other classmates. Using FB can also be used as a bullying medium for students (cyber bullying) which cannot be controlled by the educator. Lastly, from a different perspective, teachers must be vigilant and careful about what they post of FB. Digital postings leave digital footprints and are irretrievable. Hence, if a teacher were using FB to compliment curriculum, they must treat it as their classroom and only post what they would say or do in their own classroom.  

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Digital Native Teachers working with Digital Immigrant Teachers - Amazing!

Excerpt from: Connecting informal and formal learning experiences in the age of participatory media

"Bull et al. suggested that schools of education can help teachers translate informal use of communication technologies outside of school into applied activities inside school by fostering intergenerational collaboration. Gen-Y teacher education students, who have “lived their lives immersed in digital technologies” and may have advanced technology knowledge but emerging pedagogical and content knowledge, can team up with digital immigrant teacher educators who have extensive content and pedagogical knowledge. Thus, the collective wisdom of the group fosters deeper “understanding of the ways in which technology, pedagogy and content knowledge can be combined.”

Greenlow, C. (2008). Connecting informal and formal learning experiences in the age of participatory media: Commentary on Bull et al. (2008). Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(2). 

An Analysis of Integrating Social Media in Curriculum

I created this concept map to explain the components of a paper I have written on "Curriculum theory in a digital age: What will curriculum look like in my professional specialty?". I will post portions of the paper soon!

Source of images

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Collegiality versus Hierarchy - Educational Leadership

Many educational leadership theorists note that for a school structure to facilitate an effective school environment or to illicit positive change and growth, leaders must foster positive relationships among and between staff. Fullan describes in The Six Secrets of Change that leaders must “create the conditions for effective peer interaction and intervene along the way when things are not working as well as they could” (Fullan, 2008). 

Within a hierarchical leadership, not everyone shares the same “power”. The idea of shared leadership is more relevant to our society today which values the strengths that others possess regardless of race, gender, age or cultural background. Sergiovanni believes that shared leadership is not about giving ubiquitous leadership positions within the school structure but instead it is about school culture (Sergiovanni, 2001). Teachers are valued within the system to have individual strengths and expertise that can be put to use. Thus, shared leadership can strengthen a school by harnessing the varied talents of many individuals as well as plays a role in creating inclusiveness (Sergiovanni, 2001). Sergiovanni posits that “control” driven leadership is no necessary if staff groups are empowered to act professionally and collegially. He states that “the more professionalism is emphasized, the less leadership is needed. The more leadership is emphasized, the less likely it is that professionalism will develop” (Sergiovanni, 1992). 

Fullan, M. (2008). The Six Secrets of Change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.
Sergiovanni, T. J. (1992). Why We Should Seek Substitutes for Leadership. Educational Leadership, 41-45.
Sergiovanni, T.J. (2001). Sergiovanni . Retrieved December 3, 2010, from Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/charlescorn/sergiovanni-1477182

Monday, December 6, 2010

Trust - Educational Leadership

"Trust is the emotional glue that binds followers and leaders together. The accumulation of trust is a measure of the legitimacy of leadership. It cannot be mandated or purchased; it must be earned" (Bennis et al., 1986). 

This quote by Bennis and Nanus demonstrates the importance of developing trust within any structured system. As a measure of the legitimacy of leadership, leadership is rendered ineffective if trust is broken or non-existent. Trust can be built and earned among teachers as well as between teacher and principal through actions and clear communication that align with a shared vision. In the same regard, trust is diminished through actions and communication when individual’s abilities are not respected, inclusion is not developed or hierarchy prevails over collegiality. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ah-ha Moment....

I had an ah-ha moment while writing my assignment on a critical incident in a school and examining the educational leadership theories associated with the issue.

"An epiphany that came from this reflection is the realization that school structures are living, breathing reactionary organisms. Healthy stimulus and inputs will produce positive and healthy outputs. Integrity driven actions will produce morally sound reactions. Hence, the school structure must be comprised of individuals willing and eager to make positive decisions, reactions and actions. Developing a shared vision within the school will allow for individuals to demonstrate their ownership of the vision through their actions, communications and interactions. However, for this to occur, educational leadership must foster a platform for these attitudes to be prevalent within the school." - U Shah 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Equity Theory - Greenberg, Tyler and Folger

"Students, teachers and administrators, like most individuals in our soceity, are concerned about matters of basic fairness. We all know of teachers who barely do the minimum on their jobs. They often arrive late, give few tests, never volunteer for anything, leave promptly as the end of the school day, avoid all the meetings they can, and delegate their work to others. Imagine the chagrin of young, new teachers who work long hours, go the extra mile to help students after school, prepare hard for each class, and assist with extra curricular activities when they find tat their malingering colleague is making twice the salary and doing half the work. 
This basic unfairness in the workplace is what some theorists (Greenberg, 1993; Tyler, 1994; Folger, 2005) call an inequity, and it brings us to yet another perspective on motivation called equity theory, which focuses on perceived fairness - individual's belief about whether they are being treated fairly or not."

Source - Educational Administration Theory, Research and Practice by Wayne K. Hoy and Cecil G. Miskel

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Research in Education: 2010 Symposium

I attended a Research in Education Symposium and was invigorated by the wealth or knowledge and research presented during the sessions. Here are some of my thoughts on a few sessions I attended.

Session 1: Social and cultural influences on ICT policy (Hunter & Austin)

This session discussed ICT in Albert, NFL and Ireland. It was interesting to see the trends and development of that ICT policy has based on social and cultural developments within a country. The historical and political events that occur within a current are reflected in a countries ICT policy within education.

Session 2: Media(ting) identities: Digital identity projects in an ESL classroom (Eamer & Hughes)

This session involved a look into engaging ELL students in two different classrooms (different grades and schools) by helping them develop digital poetry about themselves. We saw two examples of work created by students which demonstrated student self reflection, personal identification within a new culture and comparisons between the culture in their countries of origin vs Canada. Students used powerful images, words and sound/music to convey their identities. I believe this study demonstrates the necessity and benefit of educators encouraging ELL students to reflect about themselves through media and literacy in a safe, fun and motivating environment.

Session 3: Digital Technologies & SDL (Bullock)

This session was about encouraging and developing self-directed learning (SDL) in digital technologies in teacher education. I found this session particularly enlightening in the area of self-directed learning. Teacher candidates were encouraged to choose an area of digital technology for SDL and follow through on their study of it via their in school placements etc. I think the concept of SDL is key for all educators because an educator should always be continuously learning, reflecting and researching to better their own practice. This session was a reminder that no one can focus an individual to "learn" - the process and cognitive change can only occur if an individual makes it happen.

Closing Keynote: Teaching at the cusp: Coping with technology and research (Hunter)

This closing keynote presentation was a perfect way to end the symposium. What I took away from it was the emphasis on educators being researchers in order to benefit of our students. All other professions have research components and as educators, we cannot call ourselves professionals unless we are continuously learning, researching and inquiring about concepts, methods, ideas and theories pertaining to education.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Food for Thought - Interesting Quotes by Schlechty

-       “The concept of the normal curve and the notion that most people are average are ideas that have a devastating effect in school. They condemn to mediocrity all but the few. What one needs to understand is that nothing short of excellence should be expected of anyone.”

-       “People are the chief resources in the education enterprise.”

-       “The idea of distributing students into classrooms comprised of thirty or so youngsters and a single teacher is an accident of history rather than a calculated decision.”

-       Perhaps the most important understanding here is that students are volunteers, whether we want them to be or not. Their attendance can be commanded, but their attention must be earned. Their compliance can be insisted on, but their commitment is under their own control.”

-       "Values and vision rather than programs and rules will drive the system."

-       “It seems to me that educators — following the lead of persons like Terry Deal, Tom Sergiovanni, Michael Fullan, and a few others — need to study more systematically transformational leadership in education. In the meantime, I take most of my inspiration in such matters from the literature in business, biographies of great transformational leaders, and the reading of history, plays, and novels.”

-       "Educators must prepare themselves to totally reinvent the American system of education."

-       “We need educators who are comfortable in working on the cutting edge of ignorance as well as those who work on the cutting edge of knowledge. We must envision education systems unlike any that have existed before and busy ourselves with the task of creating them.”

-       “When families and communities lose control of the education of the youth, they have lost control of the future, and with this loss of control comes, almost certainly, the demise of democracy and the rise of a totalitarian system of information control. School reform is a civic matter as well as a matter of economic concern.”

Monday, October 25, 2010

Foundations of Leadership Prezi Created by r^2u^2

This prezi was created for Foundations of Leadership course. Click on full screen mode for better viewing.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Nature of Teaching, Learning and Knowledge - Written by UShah for Principles of Learning, July 2010


                The aim of this paper is to present my perspective on the nature of teaching, learning and knowledge (TLK) based on personal experience, academic knowledge (BEd and MEd) and further developed using the concepts presented by six educational thinkers: Piaget, Levy, Papert, Von Glasersfeld, Vygotsky and Montessori.  

                For visual clarity, two concept maps have been included. My understanding of TLK is that they interact in a cyclical manner similar to a biology cycle such as Kreb’s cycle where different components feed off each other to keep the cycle continuous (Wikipeida, 2009). The product of the TLK cycle is changes in schema of the person (or animal) that is learning. This also presents that teaching, learning and the development of knowledge are ongoing and lifelong processes given the right mental state and environment. Included in the second concept map are six mini-cycles indicating brief TLK definitions of the six thinkers mentioned above. These definitions were derived from researching their work through online resources and books. The links between various thinkers is discussed in the text and not shown in the diagram.

Concept Map

Concept Map 1. The cycle of TLK.

Concept Map 2. Brief definitions of TLK of six different theorists.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Leadership Theories and Theorists

Transformative leadership - Bennis and Nanus

Sustainable leadership - Hargreaves, Fink
Transactional leadership
Participative leadership
Inclusive leadership - James Ryan

Transformational leadership - Leithwood
Multicultural curriculum/leadership - Christine Sleeter
Change leadership - Michael Fullan
Motion leadership - Michael Fullan
Moral/ethical leadership - Sergiovanni, Covey
Shared leadership - Senge
Invitational leadership - Purkey
Managerial leadership
Effective leadership - Druker, Peters

Relational leadership

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

John Dewey - The Nature of Method

"I believe that interests are the signs and symptoms of growing power. I believe that they represent dawning capacities. Accordingly the constant and careful observation of interests is of the utmost importance for the educator.

I believe that these interests are to be observed as showing the state of development which the child has reached.  

I believe that the prophesy the stage upon which he is about to enter.

I believe that only through the continual and sympathetic observation of childhood's interests can the adult enter into the child's life and see what it is ready for, and upon what material it could work most readily and fruitfully.

I believe that these interests are neither to be humored nor repressed. To repress interest is to substitute the adult for the child, and so to weaken intellectual curiosity and alertness, to suppress initiative, and to deaden interest. To humor the interests is to substitute the transient for the permanent. The interest is always the sign of some power below; the important thing is to discover this power. To humor the interest is to fail to penetrate below the surface and its sure result is to substitute caprice and whim for genuine interest." (Dewey, 1897)


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Criticisms on the Theories of E.D. Hirsch

"On the all important issue of race, Hirsch rejects the view that racism accounts for the problem with many schools in the inner city. He deals with the problem of racism by folding it into his overall concern with schools' failure to provide a core curriculum to all students. In his analysis, Hirsch fails to consider that race, class, and gender influence both content and the way it is presented, and, moreover, that they influence it in a way that reproduces patterns of dominance in our society.

Hirsch's philosophy is based on what is sometimes called a transmission
view of meaning: teachers hold meaning in their heads and their job is to
transmit it in the most efficient way to the heads of students. Whole class
instruction, telling, and rote memorization are frequently seen as the most
effective means for accomplishing this. And standardized tests are the most
effective way to tell if the task has been accomplished. (I suspect this is why,
in analyzing uneven academic achievement, Hirsch does not examine factors
such as class size and unequal funding.)" (Walter Feinberg, 1999)


Monday, October 4, 2010

Motion Leadership - Notes from Michael Fullan Video

6 Secrets of Change

1. Love your employees
2. Connect with peers with purpose
3. Capacity building prevails
4. Learning is the work
5. Transparency rules
6. Systems learn

- theory comes from practice (two way street)
- turn around entire systems (whole schools, whole districts, whole provinces/states)
- "collective capacity" and "collective competencies"
- high quality teachers and high quality principals
- take mystery out of complexity - do things well (simplexity)

Problem: how do you elicit change when people involved don't want to change?
(9 ways to help people get on board)

1. Relationships first
- if you come off too strong or too slow or too fast, people won't want to change or get on board (first create relationships with people involved, then create change)

2. Implementation dip
- first 6 months of change can be rocky or slow


Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Working List of Educational Theorists

Kieran Egan -

Wenger - Community of Practice

Bennis and Nanus - 

Siemens - Connectivism

Hargreaves and Frink - Sustainable leadership

James Ryan - Inclusive leadership

Darling-Hammond - 

Michael Fullan - Motion leadership (change theory)

Christine Sleeter - multicultural education

Wheatley -

Gilligan and Shakeshaft - Feminist theory

Pestalozzi - "heart, hand, head"

Dewey -

Freire -

James Neil -

Seymour Papert - constructionism

Jean Piaget - constructivism

Lev Vygotsky - social constructivism

Elliot Eisner - 5 orientations to curriculum

Hilda Taba -

Franklin Bobbitt - 

Ralph Tyler - 

William Pinar -

Lawrence Stenhouse -

F.W. Taylor -

Horace Mann - 

Phil Schlechty - 21st Century Schools

"Given wisdom, leaders stop trying to control everything and stop taking charge of everyone and see themselves as one part of a complex operation." (Schlechty)


"Teachers are leaders and those they most often lead are students. This is an old idea and one that has appeal to teachers once they accept the fact that it is the performance of their putative followers that is of most importance in school. The performance of leaders can make a difference in the performance of followers, but it is the performance of followers that determines the effectiveness of the performance of leaders. Teachers are more dependent on students than students are dependent on teachers. Teachers cannot teach without students being present, but students can learn without teachers and increasingly they can learn anytime and in any place. Schools are no longer as essential as they once were and they will be increasingly less essential if they are not transformed into learning platforms. Teaching is increasingly available to those who are motivated to learn, and schools are not the only places where teaching and teachers exist."(Schlechty, 2010)


Friday, October 1, 2010

Peter Senge - Shared Leadership

Leader as Teacher

“Leader as teacher” is not about “teaching” people how to achieve their vision. It is about fostering learning, for everyone. Such leaders help people throughout the organization develop systemic understandings. Accepting this responsibility is the antidote to one of the most common downfalls of otherwise gifted teachers – losing their commitment to the truth. (Senge 1990: 356)
